So, I took that big leap, and there wasn't this bottomless chasm under me. There was My Scott. I could spend days talking about how much fun I had, how surprised I was by how deeply I feel for him (I knew I liked him immensely, and that I even loved him, but couldn't anticipate HOW MUCH) I could talk about the dates we had, what we did, about the lack of sleep, how we barely ate, but didn't notice. I could mention that this is the first vacation I have ever had without children.
I don't remember ever looking so happy - that's a cool thing. I miss him terribly. I wonder how "normal" that is for a budding relationship... you spend a lot of time together, and you fall in love, and you long for each others presence. Is it just the normal bonding? Is it more? Is it the good fit? *I* think it's more than the initial "I am attracted to you, and I like you IMMENSELY" deal that you begin with.. but... I am me.
One things for sure... when he left, I felt like a piece of me left with him. I don't feel whole anymore. It's weird. It was only 4 days... but.. I felt like something in me changed. Maybe that's just the sleep deprivation... but... look at the picture.. I think I'm shiny.
This lack of cohesion brought to you by lack of sleep.
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