Monday, December 24, 2007

How Long 'till my Soul Gets it Right?

Ah, the birthday post. :) This is where I sit and ramble about what I have learned about myself over the last year - not a bad thing, but to the people reading this (all 1 of you) it will be a rehash of the last year of awakening and self-realization, nothing new. But, me being me, I will sum up - I have learned more of who I am in the last year than in the last 33. I am Free, truly free - I can screw up or succeed on my own merits. I have an incredible support network. I have Family, and I have Family by Choice; these people are the wind beneath my wings, and the earth beneath my feet when I stop soaring. I am loved - for who I am, and for what I can/can't do; they have never tried to change me, only to help me see what's really bugging me. My children love me, even with the last 12 foggy years of my life, they love me I see it on their faces. And, definitely not last or least, I am a very worthy person. Worthy of love, success and happiness.

I am grateful to everyone in my life, for the support, kindness and belief I needed and would have foundered without, and still need. :D It's my birthday, but I have already gotten my presents from everyone throughout the year. :D

Thank you, everyone.

MUCH love, and shininess!

1 comment:

Krista Long said...

I am pretty sure there are at least two of us reading! ;)