Thursday, July 24, 2008


So, yesterday, I only got 4 1/2 hours sleep. That's my own fault, as I was up late playing a game with The Boy. When I got to work, I noticed my neck was stiff, and took a few advil and moved on (as I often do.) Well, last night, I crashed hard, went to bed and slept... probably until 2am, when I woke up with my neck screaming at me. Every time I would move, I winced, and it wasn't until I rolled to my back that I could fall back asleep. I woke as soon as I tried to roll to my side (I usually sleep that way). So, I'm tired, cranky and in pain. Hopefully the advil and tylenol coctail I took this morning knocks some of it out.

Grumble grumble

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